George Kyritsis: “Kos endured the tough situation and is back to its normal pace. Smiles have returned on people’s faces, our visitors show their trust in our Island”

Δελτία Τύπου
Ημ. Δημοσίευσης: Σάββατο, 22/07/17

George Kyritsis: “Kos endured the tough situation and is back to its normal pace. Smiles have returned on people’s faces, our visitors show their trust in our Island”

The Mayor of Kos Island Mr. George Kyritsis made the following statement:

Kos went through a great difficulty but it showed that it is made of hard and lasting materials.

Kos endured this challenge and will come out of it stronger than ever.

The majority of the hotels’ infrastructure was proven to be safe and secure for our visitors who are continuing their vacation as the phenomenon seems to be relieved.

Kos has returned back to its normal pace of a unique tourist attraction.

Our smile is back. All of us are wearing our best smile for our visitors.

We have proven that we know how to come back from tough situations and overcome all the problems and difficulties.

We have proven ourselves previously in the case of the immigrants and we will prove ourselves once again now!

Everything that was damaged will not only be built again but also will be better.

All together, united as one, send the message that Kos is the most beautiful destination.

​Municipality of Kos
​ Press office


Ακτή Κουντουριώτου 7, 85300 Κως, Δωδεκάνησα, Ελλάδα



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