Free transportation for the citizens of Kos and the tourists with the local busses in Kos

Δελτία Τύπου
Ημ. Δημοσίευσης: Σάββατο, 22/07/17

“Free transportation for the citizens of Kos and the tourists with the local busses in Kos”

Under the orders of the Mayor of Kos Mr. George Kyritsis, from today and until the full normalization of the situation on the island, the transportation of the citizens and the tourists of Kos with the local busses will be free of charge.

This move is not only about supporting the citizens of Kos but also showing in practice the love and gratitude to our visitors who support and trust Kos for their vacation.

​Municipality of Kos
​ Press office


Ακτή Κουντουριώτου 7, 85300 Κως, Δωδεκάνησα, Ελλάδα



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